Cyberspace community at the Cyber Benab!

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Cyber Benab is an online meeting place which aims to increase awareness of cybersecurity through online events, such as weekend bootcamps and intensive training courses.

We offer both corporate and community outreach training programmes which are designed to combine theory and hands-on laboratory sessions in order to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) needed to operate as part of a competent cybersecurity workforce.

Hands-on laboratory sessions provide course participants with the command line skills necessary to identify, detect and defend against cyber criminals.

Ethics form a core part of the cybersecurity training methodology at Cyber Benab. Therefore, our training courses are designed to create a community of cybersecurity professionals who are motivated to defend society against cybercrime.

At the end of our 12-week introduction courses, participants are expected to achieve CompTIA certification in cybersecurity and systems administration.

While the achievement of certification is a positive outcome metric for Cyber Benab, the main benefit of certification is for course participants to move directly into cybersecurity careers or gain access into further education and training in cybersecurity.

The growing incidence of cyber attacks means that discerning employers are more likely to recruit candidates who can demonstrate practical cybersecurity and computer systems administration skills than those candidates who only possess certifications.

Cyber Benab’s consultancy service retains a global network of cyber security experts with extensive experience in industry and government.  Our main consultancy areas include workforce development, cyber resilience, ISO 27001, cyber security audit, breach and attack simulation and penetration testing.

Our 2-day cybersecurity bootcamp aims to provide both an introduction to cybersecurity and a taster for attendees contemplating a career in cybersecurity.

Our 12-week introduction to cybersecurity and computer systems administration is designed to prepare attendees with the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve CompTIA Security+ certification, and entry level employment in cybersecurity and computer systems administration.

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